With rapid changing billing needs and regulations, we provide security and confidence that your financial interests are being given full attention at all times so you can focus on what you do best, providing quality healthcare.
Our rates are based on a percentage of revenue collected. We are not paid hourly so we strive to collect the maximum reimbursement for our clients. Actual percentage varies dependent on type of practice specialty and volume.
Medical Billing & Coding
- Our coders are certified by AAPC
- Entering all data within 2 days of receipt by billing office (demographic information, insurance information, charges, receipts and insurance contractual adjustments).
- ICD 10 coding of narrative diagnosis.
- 30-day follow-up phone call to insurance carriers billed electronically, for payment status.
- 60-day follow-up phone call to insurance carriers billed on paper.
- Supplying billing forms such as HCFA 1500 forms, computer paper, envelopes and other supplies.
Electronic Claims
- Daily claim processing via Electronic Claim Submission, Paper submission (when required), with attached documentation.
ERA Denial Management
- ERA denial follow-up, corrections, appeals performed daily
Revenue Management
- Posting of all payments
- Deposit of moneys received (Daily/Twice a week)
- Generating and sending patient statements each month, all postage included. (Maximum 4 statements)
- Soft Collections for past due accounts, 2 letters, 2 phone calls.
- Referring of delinquent accounts to an outside collection agency after exhaustion of all internal collection efforts and upon approval by client.
Revenue Management Consulting
- Using state-of-the art computer software interface solutions and electronic claims processing, Jpac offers medical billing and collections services like physician billing, ambulatory surgery center, radiology service, etc. that gives you more revenue and an increased profit margin.
- Revenue recovery projects; separate package; short term available
Practice Management Consulting
- Expert team members for office management, billing & coding
- Over 20 years experience
- HIPAA compliant
- Customized monthly reports
- Quality assurance
- TAT: Turn Around Time
- 2 options to choose from (MicroMD EMR or Drs EHR)
- HIPAA compliant
- E-prescribing
- Patient Portal
IT Consulting
- In-house tech support
- Backup and disaster recovery
- Hosting
- Site survey
- Software
- Hardware
- Servers, workstations, Network equipment
- Generating standard daily/weekly reports to include:
- Monthly Transaction report by physician/provider
- Bank Deposit Report
- Producing standard end-of month reports to include:
- Practice Analysis by physician/provider
MAXIMUM Cash Flow/Minimal errors
“Your number 1 choice when it’s time to Outsource”